How Big Was the Dirty Bird Win?

How I know just how HUGE yesterday was.

  • There were things I’ve NEVER seen in this city that I either saw yesterday or know would be appropriate to happen. Not in Boston or Chicago or Dallas or somewhere else. Here. In Atlanta, for yesterday’s game there were a LOT of people buying single tickets.
Some young Atlanta Falcons fans watch warm ups before the NFL football NFC championship game against the Green Bay Packers Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)
Some young Atlanta Falcons fans. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

I can’t recall ever having a game with an Atlanta team in it (NBA all star doesn’t qualify, for example) where it was SO monster, Atlanta fans were buying singles!

  • I can’t remember there being a game with an Atlanta team where in the middle of the action there was a timeout so one of OUR players could walk off the field or court and have an ovation for just him.

That should have happened with Ryan yesterday. It didn’t, and I’m sure part of it was because he wanted to stay on the field with his teammates. But we’ve seen that happen in virtually EVERY other major U.S. sports city for either retirement or end of an unbelievable season or career or whatever. The closest was that disaster of bringing Niekro back for one final start. He pitched to five batters in the 4th inning, didn’t get any of them out, so he DID get his Final Walk Off the Field moment, but not really what I’m talking about here.

  • Entered my mind yesterday that . . . there should be a Super Bowl viewing party at the Georgia Dome. I’ve seen it so many other places. Never done it here and I’m betting it’s never even been considered. Have it at the Georgia Dome, charge $5 to get in (Blank foundation or whatever else) and have  huge 4-sided TV put up at the 50, raised up about 20 ft off the ground, facing out in every direction.

That one is more dicey because it probably sounds better than it really is, at least from the standpoint of someone who’s never been to one of those “in-arena” or “in-stadium” viewing parties.

– Chuck Oliver
Co-Host “Chuck and Chernoff”
680 The Fan