So, how was your week? Good! Mine? Well, other than a Twitter brawl with the outgoing Mayor of Atlanta, very uneventful.
Kasim Reed has a mixed bag legacy as the Mayor of Atlanta. Though a lot of it I have been critical of, he has some true shining moments. During the BLM marches in Atlanta he got on the front lines and interacted to induce calm and order. It was outstanding leadership. Arrogantly parking in handicapped spots instead of walking 100 yards for lunch and using the police escort to get to casual meetings not so much.
His legacy will always have the exits of the Thrashers and Braves from city limits on it. What he hoped was that 6 years has caused amnesia on the Thrashers issue, not for me. I reminded him of it and the claws came out.
First he accused me of “willful ignorance” on the Thrashers issue. Let’s just say what the Mayor ever knew about the Thrashers could not have filled a thimble. He didn’t care to know it. Not a fan? I get it. What was willful ignorance was refusing to lift a finger until it was too late to attempt to assist in finding anyone willing to buy the team. The Hawks get $142M in tax payer dollars to renovate their building. All because the Mayor was afraid they may bolt like the Braves did. While the Mayor placated the Falcons at every turn, he lost the Braves. Him and every Mayor before him ignoring the area around Turner Field and refusing to assist. It cost him.
The Mayor did not lose the Thrashers, but he didn’t care. He told me I wasn’t counting Atlanta United as a pro sports team yet when I told him we had 4 and then had 2. I told him he just hadn’t had a chance to lose Atlanta United yet. Unfair cheap shot? Maybe. I just wasn’t going to let him tell me about a situation I was very well versed in where he refused to intervene. Legacy….
Drop me a line anytime [email protected]
Co-Host “Buck and Kincade” – 680 The Fan
Host “John Kincade Show” – CBS Sports Radio
Co-Host “BIG Podcast with Shaq” – Podcast One
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