How To Get A Better Airline Price Even After You Book The Flight

All of us have experienced that fear of price gouging when we book our flights on line. When you go to a major website such as Expedia, Priceline, or Kayak, you often wonder whether or not you are getting the best possible deal. Then, when you hesitate to book the flight when you go online, you get even more bitter when you come back a day or two later only see the prices go higher. Or, even worse is when you actually book the flight and then you see the price go LOWER! Well, with the power of Artificial Intelligence there may be an answer to help you sleep better at night when you are booking flights or hotel called DoNotPay ( that may just solve the problem.
The real beauty about DoNotPay is that it works AFTER you have booked your flight ensuring that you get the best possible deal on your flight. Since flight and hotel prices change every single day, DoNotPay works by finding the travel confirmations from past bookings in the inbox of your e-mail box. When the price drops on the flight, DoNotPay has an artificial intelligence chatbot robot that acts as your lawyer to find a legal loophole to negotiate a cheaper price on your behalf. Then, DoNotPay will automatically rebook you (no rebooking charges because they know the loopholes) right on the spot.
The best case scenarios with booking flights to get a better deal are often within 24 hours of booking a flight. Since you aren’t likely to go back and do all of that work just a few hours after you got through the pain of actually booking the flight, the DoNotPay robot can enable you a full refund within that time frame because of the clauses on how airlines set rebooking fees. It is estimated that there are some 70 to 90 loopholes per airline (you go figure that one out), and the robots are programmed to scan everything from whether warnings to schedule changes, so you can wriggle out of the overpriced ticket or hotel room.
DoNotPay is a free service so there are no fees and that means you’ll keep 100% of whatever you save on your rebooking. Even your data is completely encrypted and DoNotPay will seek your confirmation from you before proceeding with any rebooking. In doing my research, I even found out that they will help with parking tickets as well!
DoNotPay is pretty easy to set up. Once you get to you’ll be prompted through a few pretty simple screens. First, you’ll connect up your e-mail for the robots to be able to scan. It actually says in the process they only scan your airline booking e-mails and no other e-mails in your inbox. Then, the system will prompt you for your birthday. Last, it will ask you for a credit card where they will deposit the savings. If your flight is delayed, the airline loses your luggage, or you are just plain unhappy (aren’t all travelers unhappy?), DoNotPay will fight for you. It won’t take you more than 60 seconds to get all set up on the system.
In my weekly column, I’m always thinking about different ways to keep you on top of smart money moves that will add to your bottom line. DoNotPay could save you both time and money….and maybe help you get the best price on your next trip.
Ted Jenkin is a frequent guest columnist for the Wall Street Journal and Headline News Weekend Express.  He is the co-CEO of oXYGen Financial.  You can follow him on LinkedIn @ or on Twitter @tedjenkin.

Ted Jenkin, CFP®, AAMS®, AWMA®, CRPC®, CMFC®, CRPS®
Co-CEO and Founder oXYGen Financial, Inc.
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