Dr. Saphier: My Faith That Fauci Has Had No External Influence On COVID Decisions Is ‘Obliterated’

Dr. Nicole Saphier, Board Certified Medical Doctor, Senior Fox News Medical Contributor joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the post holiday covid omicron surge and the mixed messaged from health officials.

Dr. Saphier questioned Dr. Fauci and others recent change in messaging over covid protocols said,

“So again, it’s not like something changed overnight. This has all been there. But clearly, you can see messaging is changing. Maybe that’s because we’re in a dire worker shortage. Maybe it’s because midterms are coming up. I don’t know. I once was so optimistic that Dr. Fauci and the others had no external influence and would only be speaking on science. But I can tell you at this point my faith in that is obliterated, and I don’t know what the impetus is behind his changing messaging, but I’m very happy to hear it because we are finally following the science.”